24 CFR 982. 456

The tenant may exercise any right or remedy against the owner under the lease between the tenant and the owner, including enforcement of the owner's obligations under the tenancy addendum (which is included both in the HAP contract between the PHA and the owner, and in the lease between the tenant and the owner).

I was threaten that if fight against the landlord ( on his fabrication) and don't move, I will loose my voucher. Regardless if the owner violated program rules or I complained about the living conditions, I couldn't fight against retaliatory eviction.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Housing Opportunity Commission of Montgomery County, MD - My Personal Housing Journey


I am telling my story to help others who are and will experience this situation if you speak out against landlords, HOC or the government in Montgomery County. There is no comprehensive solution to resolve the housing issues without threats and intimidation especially against the protected class of citizens in Montgomery County. The housing anti eviction laws isn't executed however used to oppressed individuals who has claims against the landlord. Montgomery County has a historic record of gender, racial and ethnic biases and prejudices and have no comprehensive strategy to improve these disparities within the community nor has public forum for participation (laws are implemented without citizen's input). I understand the attitudes of the government officials who believes in suppressing public opinions that violates public trust that exposes the integrity of government relations in Montgomery County. If you fail to comply to the government oppressive tactics you are considered against the government when it's your constitutional 1st Amendment right to redress the government. Every weapon used to stop me from expressing my rights of these events made me more convince that I was exposing the real truth which they try to suppress.

This is where I lived in Cinnamon Run apartments and was threaten by HOC that if I don't move I could lose my voucher nothing I had done to violate the lease. There is not HCV nor a tenant rights advocacy in Montgomery County. If you complain which it is your right, you will be threaten. If you are a Housing Choice Voucher participant your chances of getting adequate assistance from HOC is 0 %. There are HUD rules that protects residents under 24 CFR 982 and understand there is a HAP contract that you and your landlord agreed with HOC. This agreement, the HAP under 24 CFR 982.456 - you have a right to remedy against the owner under the lease agreement. This is something that HOC or any agency will not inform you of your rights. They will bully you and blame you if you desire a decent safe place to live which is required under HUD policies. My apartment failed inspection and I was blamed for exposing these incidents because HCV participants has no rights in Montgomery County however treated as second class citizens. Even though I am a trained with HUD policies as a Commissioner and not "sold out"- I have been treated with much disrespect and bullied because my apartment failed inspection and I complained about the living conditions. That only tells me how much I am right on track, they are afraid that enough citizens get educated about the inequality and disparity in Montgomery County, they would spend all resources to keep these issues suppressed. Montgomery County don't like tenant unions and don't want tenants to have a voice.

Your tenancy agreement HUD 52641 should be attached to your lease - it states you have a right to enforce your lease to enforce your lease the tenancy addendum against the owner. If there is any conflict between the tenancy addendum and any other provisions of the lease, the language of the tenancy addendum shall control. Which means the landlord must go by the tenancy agreement. My apartment failed inspection which violated the HAP contract under 24 CFR 982.453 The landlord failed to maintain the unit in accordance to Housing Quality Standards. They landlord got away with it however fabricated that I have someone living with me on 4/27/12. Then I was threaten to move based on the landlords fabrication by HOC (Commissioners). There is no HUD rule that a HCV tenant can not advocate for their housing as stated on 24 CFR 982.456 on the tenancy agreement, HOC wrongfully threaten the "vulnerable"? We thought that the Republicans don't like the poor but HOC an agency (under HUD), don't like the poor however threaten residents willingly without any supportive regulations. Listen there is no HUD regulations that support this rhetoric from HOC. I went to court and was refused due process under the Constitution. I was violated of my rights of the access to justice by the Judge, court officers and landlord who worked hard together to try to discourage me from my rights. I received the court transcripts - the Judge stated that the notice from the landlord isn't a breach of lease and the landlord admitted that I didn't breach the lease on court records. So who is lying? HOC or the landlord. What is the conspiracy? I have a written statement from HOC in Montgomery County CEO that the landlord states "I breach my lease" therefore I have to move. I was never evicted for the breach of the lease the landlord fabricated by court documents. So why was I unlawfully evicted? Do HOC who gets federal funding from HUD believes in making HCV residents homeless when they complain about their quality life? Why is HUD allowing these abuses against the vulnerable? Is that why there is a homeless issue in Montgomery County because of HOC tactics against the "vulnerable" under their program? HOC states they don't help the residents with landlord issues, can you believe that? There is a tenancy agreement and it's HOC job is to assist the resident and ensure they are living under HQS standards, my apartment failed these standards by HOC why would the CEO fabricate that HOC have nothing to do with HVC quality of life! Where is his integrity? So they push this issue off to Landlord and Tenant Affairs who don't enforce anything but make you move regardless if you are right or wrong. In addition, not trained for federal subsidized tenants and HUD rules which violates the tenancy agreement with HUD, that is between the owner, HOC and resident. Landlords aren't above the law they have biases and prejudice issues, too.

Watch the video, my car kept getting scratches and dents, my apartment standards, drunk and violent, drug activity, intoxicated residents at my balcony cursing in front of small children, and much more! When I address this at the HOC meeting I was treated with disrespect by the CEO while the Commissioners supported this abuse (Commissioners served on the board longer than the President of the United States). This is unacceptable to live this way when it's a requirement from HUD "the right to decent and safe housing". They desire to suppress these actions however believes that they don't have to sit with low income community with respect to work out these sort of in differences without threats or intimidation.  HUD believes in resident participation under CFR 934.135. They refuse tenants coming together to improve their community where they live. Do anyone deserve to live this way? They are busy trying to suppress this sort of issues ... they believe that I  don't deserve anything better than this but they want all the federal dollars, for their "pay check?"

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Where is HOC and Montgomery County Government busing the working poor, senior and disabled and single mothers off too?

There has been an unwelcoming experience in Montgomery County with the working poor, HCV participants, Senior and Disabled, Single mothers and low- moderate income residents. Are they evicting them out of the district? Is this a systematic oppression process against a certain class of citizens? Most residents under this program makes at least $15.00 or lower an hour and can't afford the rent. If you review the statistical data more minorities in Montgomery County is still marginal affected by the economic crises however still receiving unemployment benefits.

A letter was sent out to all the residents who are under HOC which is 89 % minorities (68% African American) a town hall meeting that has been already arranged, discuss and decided by the Executives, Commissioners, Montgomery County Government, State and Federal Government to "direct" residents quality of life. Meaning that they already made a decision without the recipients under the program which is violating HUD rules. 24 CFR 964, 24 CFR 245 and QWRA ACT desires resident participants at the table not after a decision has been made, on this letter they added the HCV Administrative Plan. This plan is already corrupted and decided with the staff, resident participation isn't involved. I attended the meeting and watch how staff overpowered the residents, because of lack of knowledge and training, took advantage of the production and execution of this plan- the residents has no idea nor any communication from HOC the true facts about the HCV plan. The HCV plan has already been corrupted and have 0.5% of resident participation. (Using intimidating and retaliatory tactics to threaten questionable residents).

Looking back in history, there an article that discuss how HCV participants was treated in Montgomery County.A Step Away from Homeless - HCV participants. They already face challenges in this County with the judicial system, government, communities, real estate agencies, etc., they are basically the voiceless. This town meeting is a form of suppression because voices should had been heard before a meeting is formed. So where do they want to "bus" or "shipped" the subsidized participants.. to the another part of Montgomery County? Using affordability as a tool to keep residents in a certain neighborhood away from the wealthy society?

The bottom of this letter the Montgomery County Government nor the Montgomery County Schools desire to participant or have any influence with this agenda. However, have a responsibility to the citizens even though they are working poor, low- moderate, senior and disabled, single mothers, etc., what they want to bail out? When a tenant under the HOC program has an issue, why they inform tenants to go the Landlord and Tenant Affairs? Now they desire to "bail out?" We all know how Stacey Spann, CEO feels, he is a businessman, looking out for self at the resident's expense- he has no power against the Commissioners, they all hired him (Review the HOC Commissioner's classification). I heard some silent voices state that the Commissioners made a business decision to hire a minority, an African American CEO because the majority of HOC recipients are African American, it won't seem discriminatory.  He went along with this ride and Jean Banks - (one minority) Commissioner, "Haven't heard her voice cry-out" or said anything on the residents behalf.

What the issue is that there is no solution when it comes to income classification; you have no voice and if you speak your voice; you are heavily retaliated against. No one knows how to communicate with the working poor however talk at them. There is no mutual respect however suppress tactics of control used to oppress or dis-empower these certain class of individuals, "I take your voucher away?" The constitution is stripped away from certain class of individuals that cause institutionalized systematic inequality. Where is the Civil Rights part in this... silence..

This town hall meeting is  held on several dates and the time is 6:00 pm -7:30 pm  July 15, 2013 at Northwest High School, July 23, 2013 Walter Johnson High School, July 29, 2013 Rockville High School,  July 30, 2013 Montgomery Blair High School. Some residents states, Why show up they already made a decision about residents lives without their participation (treating them like second class citizens), Why participate only to be threaten or harass later?

I wonder what our minority elected government officials have to say about this process? What they have to say about this Isiah Legett, County Executive- Carmen Navarro- Council Woman, Judge Wolfe, Valarie Ervin, Hans Reimer, or Craig Rise, Christopher Barclay, Judith Docca and Shirley Brandman, What are their comments to this affect? (In some areas in Montgomery County there is no minority leaders). Haven't heard anything from Senators or Congressmen in regards to these affects, there is no accountability, our voice don't count. Are these leaders taking the time out to participate in this town meeting or hide? If you are going to "shipped" or "bus" the residents out of Montgomery County at least show your faces of approval. "We have the nerve to blame the Republicans for their actions against the vulnerable".

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

"HCV Residents Has No Voice" The affects of low-income, disabled and seniors.

I received a letter from HOC ( May 11, 2013) regarding to the HCV cuts due to the sequester that affects the residents under the program quality of life. My first thing, I thought was, "Why HOC didn't meet with the residents", before these cuts, to discuss the affects of the future. Over the weekend, when I received the letter in the mail concerning these cuts and I thought to myself, "Why is it so hard for the HOC staff to communicate with the residents"? When I was a former Commissioner, I made sure that any changes occurs concerning the residents, they would have the opportunity to interact with the decision making process before there was any cuts that may affect their quality of life. In Montgomery County HCV residents are defiantly treated as second class citizens, this is a good example, sending a letter of housing cuts and stating, "contact your Specialist", plain and simple, "How nice"! I thought to myself how would they like it if they were sent a letter, "You have no job"! I guess nothing affects them while they went home in their bed and slept all night with a good and clear conscience. There is a major disconnect here...... residents and  HOC executive staff and Commissioners, no interactions or no sort of connections. 

The letter that the CEO wrote is like he has personality "cold, disconnect and distance." Is this the third world country? The letter could have been written with some dignity or care, one paragraph that stands out to impose a threat, "If you don't report your income may result the termination of the program"! In the same letter about cuts and lthen a threat, very nicely done, Where is your heart? "The Commissioners hired him that they appreciate and support this kind of  personality? It's proven that the Commissioners support this rhetoric or philosophy while they benefit with their perks, I wonder did cuts effect the  Commissioner's perks? Trips, etc. Did any HOC Executives take a pay cut? Of course not, when they initiated this meeting, they didn't contact any residents because this would be a topic of discussion, "What about your pay cuts"! The only time there is any conversation or interactions with the residents and HOC staff is during the annual plan because it is mandated by HUD other than that I believe we are just a paycheck to them.

I certainly understand there has been a problem in Montgomery County with HCV residents over the years that involves segregation, living in quality areas and landlords accepting vouchers. When it comes to people lifes, HOC believes that the residents don't need an explanation because we receive rental assistance, "Shut Up" and if you loose your home, Oh well! I believe they slept good at night with no worry about do you have to move or how you going to get money to move. I went to HOC this week and didn't know about the cuts because the letter didn't arrive to my home until over the weekend of May 11th. However, I witness low level employees packing up saying good- bye. Monday, I tried calling HOC but the phones was flooded that I couldn't get through; finally I was told there will be a town meeting. However, the woman who answer the phone was in distressed with the many of phone calls. I made another phone call and I was told that residents just have to move, that's it. A town meeting with angry residents after you decide to cut their voucher and loose their apartments? Added expenses to pay another security deposit and moving expenses? No explanation to anyone who is a  recipient under the program with no kind of dignity or respect that would affect our lives. The town meeting will be packed and overwhelmed that no one could get their question answered at all. What about the non-speaking English residents? Why a town meeting now?

Everyone understands about the cuts but how the process was initiated is the problem. The preparation could have been done with better quality even though you dealing with the low-income community. It's my belief because when it involves the low-income, seniors and disabled it is handled the way HOC intended, very heartless and cruel!

I called my caseworker this morning and discovered that she is terminated, now, "How am I going to get the information that was written by the CEO concerning the Voucher cuts? This is definitely a strong case of mis-communication that only affect the lives of the recipients! Maybe someone will call me back.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Residents HOC - I Understand the Intimidation

Don't allow anyone to make you feel that you are second class citizens because you get subsidy for housing assistance. You have a right to live in safe and decent housing. I understand the complaint process (with some of those who believes that they are better than you because their paycheck is a little higher..  Don't allow anyone to intimidate you? Don't get angry or show any emotions because they will try to provoke and say, "Those people are that way because they are under the program"! Trust me they act worst, I seen it myself they just wear the skirts, suit and ties and focusing only their paycheck. To be honest don't like the participants that they suppose to serve! They talk worst about us than the community does that's why we have to live in undesirable places and be treated with disrespect from abusive landlords. It's all about the federal funds, they have to deal with us in order to obtain it but they don't have a clue how to interact with us with dignity or respect.

I hear your silent oppression because you fear of their threats ( to take your voucher) as they use them to get you to silence your voices. "Understand this there is a higher power that sees everything that goes on." Some might say, That sounds crazy? But it's nothing wrong to believe in a higher power whomever you choose to call your higher power. However, some believe in evils and witchcraft's that's what's happening now as you can see the violence, corruption, etc., that surrounds us in this world. So who do you think really keeps us going?  Sorry, I went off topic but you have to be strong through the lies and deception.

It's human nature to lie to benefit for a purpose. Some lost their integrity or they have to feel superior against a certain class of individuals to keep them going, because they have no self-worth. Through their smiles you can see pain and unhappiness, therefore some of us have to tolerate with insecure people who holds their title as influence because without it they don't have any class. Sometimes, I sit and watch actually pray for these people lack of dignity. Some have to treat us this way because they have to keep their jobs and if you speak out you are a target!

I keep in contact with my former advocates and they give me courage as I advocate for myself from the lies and deception that was brought against me. You have to wonder how much money or gifts to suppress my legitimate case? How much justice was brought? How many favors was done to hide justice?    As they cover up the wrongs and try to use my financial circumstances against me to suppress my voice and to cover up an issue they don't want to deal with... which are tenants under the subsidy program. The issues and problems living is certain neighborhoods and how we can't live in other neighborhoods ; abusive landlords, crime and HQS issues, and certainly don't want tenants to independently meet with each other.  The State of Maryland is Democrat State and you think democracy however the issues with the relations with certain class of people and don't want tenants to interact, but target the federal monies for their purpose. I find it suspicious that landlord violates the HAP contract but when a tenant don't turn in $5.00 as part of their income they will act like you committed a crime!!!! Threaten you off the program as a common criminal.

HUD is in the business of housing the low-income why HOC in the business of threatening the vulnerable that they would loose their voucher when they speak about injustice? I received a letter by the Commissioners and their lawyer- The new CEO Stacey Spann. I complained to Fair Housing and HOC  lied to Fair Housing - Maryland Commission on Civil Rights as if they didn't send the letter. I understand why subsidized residents don't participate or now your rights in the program because what HOC have done to me, a person who served as a Housing Commissioner as well. They suppressed the vulnerable through threats while getting along with slumlords who profit off us. HOC don't have no idea how to interact with residents except to control.

The institutionalized inequality is rapid in Montgomery County and I find that it oppress the voiceless especially from those who are recipients on the program participants. If it won't for people like us they wouldn't have a job but that's not a reality. I advise you to carry a tape recorder and if you have to meet someone at HOC don't go by yourself. The stereotyping is so low against  subsidized residents therefore do not argue with them; this is what they expect. Let them talk have your phone recorder or tape recorder for your protection. Let them know you have one before they act. I had first hand experience about this situation and it's called self-control. They are going to provoke you at all cost because they lack honesty and dignity. They are like "bullies".

I met some people with some issues and witness a staff person yelling at resident. It was okay because the person is just a resident. I had to calm the resident down even though they had every right to address the situation. However, the staff uses our current situation against residents to make them look like the trouble maker ( based on income classification)- this is the usual stereotype about the residents under HOC. That employee still works there even-though they curse and acted totally out of order, however was ignored.

Where I lived at was known for my complaints. I never thought they would threaten me to take my voucher because my apartment failed HQS standards and my car vandalized.  The Commissioners has their own personal stake and it's hard for me to believe after I was a former Commissioner none of them reach out to me however the President sent me a letter to threaten to take my voucher! Watch my video at HOC is on youtube., I spoke about my living conditions they looked bored! I have a youtube video where I lived at Cinnamon Run Apartments that you can view, also.

What is the Commissioners background and connections????? They are on the board longer than the President of the United States, "Does this violate public trust?" I am sure there is a reason why they aren't tenant friendly or interact on the behalf of the tenants. The only reason they desire to deal with tenants is the federal money, perks and free trips. You don't see them visible in the community unless it's a personal benefit! What about the "Friends of HOC?" This are individuals who suppose to care about the residents however focus on the perks for being a friend? You have to wonder.. ummh..

Stay strong!!!